Journeys with Kat

Painting: “Big Dreams” created by Penny Treese
Calling all Explorer Warriors,
I was set to launch Kat’s Kaleidoscope right when we got the “shelter in place” order. Like many of you, daily life as I knew it took a screeching halt. And seemingly, it was not the most optimal time to open a travel company. As time slowed down and we were gratefully able to embrace “being” instead of always “doing, doing, doing,” I got to thinking. While we are not able to physically roam the globe at the moment, there is absolutely nothing halting our imaginations, hopes and dreams. After all, isn’t that where most epic journeys begin?
I invite you to join me each week on a magic carpet ride to explore breathtaking destinations all over the world. With much love and gratitude, I especially offer this mini escape to our brave front line workers and all those doing their part and beyond.
So, unclip your wings, take a few deep breaths, fire up your imagination and open your sense of wonder.
Your magic carpet awaits, let the adventure begin…

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